The brother of former Foreign Employment and Labour Minister Manusha Nanayakkara, who was arrested by CID’s Financial Crime Investigation Division of the CID officers on charges of defrauding a person three million rupees after promising him a job in Netherlands, was remanded till January 6 by the Acting Magistrate of Gampaha Padma Amaratunga yesterday (29).
The suspect who was placed in remand custody is Thisara Nanayakkara, a resident of Galle.
The CID informed Court that he was arrested according to a complaint made by a person from the Yakkala to the Financial Crimes Investigation Division of the Criminal Investigation Department and the suspect was arrested after preliminary investigations.
The Criminal Investigation Department submitted to the Court that the suspect had asked the complainant for four million rupees saying that he would be offered a job in the Netherlands, and the complainant had deposited three million rupees to a bank account in Galle on two occasions.
The Criminal Investigation Department informed Court that this suspect had worked as the parliamentary affairs secretary of former Minister Manusha Nanayakkara.
The Criminal Investigation Department informed Court that during the inspection of the suspect’s bank account, it was revealed that an amount of Rs.27 million had been credited to the account by 28 persons during the period from 2019 to 2024.
Criminal Investigation Department’s Financial Crime Investigation Division officers conducted the complaint.
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