Former head of the Financial Crimes Investigation Division (FCID), retired Senior DIG Ravi Waidyalankara has been accused by a businessman over a fraud of Rs. 75 million.
Chandrasena Kodikara lodged a complaint with the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) on Wednesday over the matter.
He also implicated SLPP MP Namal Rajapaksa and two others whom he identified as Janaki Siriwardena and Thilini Piyumali.
The money was defrauded in the purchase of five blocks from the half-built Krrish apartments in Colombo, said the complainant to the media.
Kodikara said he previously filed seven court cases and lodged 15 complaints with the CID in connection with the fraud.
Vidyalankara, now a director of the company in charge of Krrish Apartments, says he was not employed there at the time the alleged fraud took place.
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