Deputy Minister of Housing T.B. Sarath announced that an attempt by fifty former MPs and ministers, who lost their homes and properties during the unrest, to acquire houses at a low price from the Viyathpura housing complex has been suspended.
He explained that while the Cabinet had approved providing houses to 76 former MPs and ministers whose properties were damaged during the unrest, only twenty-six of them had signed agreements with the Urban Development Authority.
As a result, the allocation of houses to the remaining fifty, who had not signed the agreements, has been halted.
The Deputy Minister further stated that an investigation would be conducted to determine if the government can recover the loss from the 26 former ministers who acquired houses at a reduced price.
According to the Ministry of Urban Development, Housing, and Construction, the government’s loss from providing these houses at a discounted rate amounts to over Rs. 220 million.
He also noted that since Cabinet approval had been granted to provide houses in the Viyathpura housing complex to former MPs and ministers, a study is currently underway to review that approval.
Additionally, the Deputy Minister revealed that some MPs and ministers had received both compensation for property damage and houses in the Viyathpura complex.
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