In response to a question raised by Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB) MP Mujibur Rahman in Parliament yesterday (08), Prime Minister Dr. Harini Amarasuriya said that no government institution has so far granted authorization for the construction of Israeli religious centers or any similar places in the country.
Noting that neither the Ministry of Buddhasasana, Religious and Cultural Affairs, nor any of its departments have granted permission for the construction of religious centers or similar places by Israeli nationals, the Prime Minister said the government has received information regarding such centres.
She said that they are currently discussing the measures that can be taken in this regard with the assistance of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
However, MP Rahman alleged that religious and cultural centers for Israelis are being built in various parts of Sri Lanka with permission from the Ministry of Defense, adding that the Sri Lanka Police, including personnel from the Special Task Force, have been deployed to provide security at such locations.
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