The police have managed to locate the 19-year-old daughter of a businessman from the Daulagala area who was abducted in a van in the Gelimbaya area of Gampola on the morning of 11 January.
The police stated that the suspect who was with her was also arrested at the Ampara bus stand.
After abducting the student, the suspect took three three-wheelers to several places and took her to the Ampara area.
The police stated today (13) that the suspect had told the student he would drop her back home and boarded a bus bound for Kandy at the Ampara bus stand.
The police also stated that the suspect had threatened her to remain silent there.
The girl was on her way to Daulagala town with a friend to attend a private advanced level class when a group of men in a black van carried out the kidnapping at around 7.15 am on 11 January.
However, at the time of this abduction, it was reported that she was abducted by her boyfriend, but investigations revealed that the abduction was done by her brother-in-law, who had been hoping to marry her for some time.
The cousin who kidnapped and held the student had initially demanded a ransom of Rs. 5 million, which he later reduced to Rs. 3 million.
The police stated that the abducted student is to be sent for a medical examination.
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