Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin on Sunday expressed concern over the “frequent apprehension” of Indian fishermen from the state by the Sri Lankan navy and urged the Centre for ‘stronger’ diplomatic measures to find a permanent solution to prevent such arrests.
In a letter to External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar, he flagged the latest instance where eight fishermen who ventured for fishing from Rameswaram were apprehended by the Lankan navy personnel along with their two mechanized fishing boats.
“The frequent apprehensions of our fishermen by the Sri Lankan Navy have created a sense of fear and uncertainty among the fishing communities as their traditional source of income for their livelihood is affected. Hence there is a need for stronger diplomatic measures to find a permanent solution to prevent such arrests,” he told Jaishankar in a letter.
“I therefore request you to take strong and coordinated efforts through appropriate diplomatic channels to secure the release of all the apprehended fishermen and their fishing boats at the earliest,” the CM urged.
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