Member of Parliament Dayasiri Jayasekara handed over three private member motions to the Secretary-General of Parliament today.
These reforms provide the basic legal provisions necessary to strengthen the efficiency of Provincial Councils.
Once enacted, these laws will address the claim that provincial councils are inefficient white elephants.
This private member’s draft law proposal contains a proposal that can overcome some of the bottlenecks and increase the efficiency of the provincial council’s system.
These laws aim to rationalise burdensome fiscal laws and the institutional structure.
The drafts are as follows:
1) A bill to amend the Delegation of Powers (Divisional Secretaries) Act No. 42 of 1987.
2) A bill to amend the Provincial Councils (Ancillary Provisions) Act No. 12 of 1989.
3) A bill to amend the Delegation of Powers (Divisional Secretaries) Act No. 58 of 1992.
These three bills can be passed by a simple majority in Parliament within a very short period without the need for any constitutional amendment or referendum.
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